The time is now.  I am refreshing and learning my Khmer.  Khmer is the official language of Cambodia.  There are 76 letters in the Khmer alphabet.  Mastering the language is very challenging because it is predominantly a tonal or phonetic spoken language.  I understand most of the words, but speaking the language is difficult for me.  Over the next several months I will join voice chats online and spend a lot of time with Mom to practice and practice and practice speaking Khmer.  

Coming soon, I will share my study abroad proposal that I am currently working on with my faculty advisors since I will be traveling alone, and I will write more about my preparation to Cambodia. 

© 2010 BetheCatalyst
© 2010 BetheCatalyst
This is my first entry in 2011.  Before moving further, I want to share with you why my international travel and experiences have become central elements to the art of my personal growth and development.  There are 2 reasons.  First, traveling gives me the unique opportunity to open my heart and accept unasked for challenges and tests.  Second, traveling has uncovered my inspirations and has empowered me to influence the world. 

I am a hungry scholar.  Curiosity is simply human nature.  We are curious to learn about the world around us.  And perhaps I am selfish to crave to learn about myself and identify my purpose in life.   Traveling can push us to test our limits.  For example, I traveled to Jamaica in December 2008 to speak to a small community about the importance of oral health and oral hygiene.  I had mixed emotions growing inside.  Would I be heard?  Will my work make a small difference?  Will they accept our gifts?   I felt naïve, and I felt vulnerable.   This humbling experience encouraged me to step beyond my comfort zone and take risks.  These persistent forces and emotions of fear, excitement, and serenity led to a dynamic change in my character.  We are unescapably morphed under stressful situations.  Stressful environments allow us to hone in on our character and confirm our identity.  As I stepped outside from the church that evening, I smiled innocently from ear to ear.  No longer overcome by my fears, I realized a burning desire to continue to learn, challenge myself and reach out to others.

Unearthing our most prized processions, our gifts, talents and internal motivations, can empower us to accomplish beautiful things.  I think if you listen closely with your heart, then your heart will rightfully serve you as your guiding light to discovering this.  But sometimes listening to our heart is the most difficult task to perform.  We are constantly distracted and blinded by external forces and society’s expectations.  We choose not to oppose or resist these barriers, and we inadequately divert our attention and energy to the underlying internal forces that would otherwise morph us into the being we were made to be.  Interacting with the Aborigines of Australia and sharing my knowledge and experiences with the community in Jamaica, I have realized that my love and joy for learning and serving others have become the underlying forces to discovering myself and empowering me to be the small change in this world.

So, by recognizing the importance of traveling and studying abroad, I believe we can each be the catalyst and be witness to transformation in this world.  Biochemical pathways would take years to complete if unaided by a catalyst.  A catalyst speeds up the rate of a reaction by lowering the amount of energy required to reach the end product.   I make the analogy of the individual to a catalyst because if we pool our knowledge, resources, and energy, then I believe we can witness the beauty of our dreams.  Be the catalyst.  Amplify the mechanism of empowerment.   

Cheers, to this happy New Year 2011!  Transformation has begun.